I have come across the phrase “first things first” so many times in so many different ways over the last two years. God must have been trying to get my attention, to “wake me up”, so to speak. In so many ways, I was not putting first things first. As you may have already read in my bio, I thought I was doing all the ‘right things’. So, how was I still so burnt out, exhausted, angry, and unwell? How exactly did I end up in the ER? Well, that’s when those three little words started rolling around my mind, again and again.
Enter the idea of primary and secondary foods. As we get certified as health coaches, we go through intensive training on the foods that nourish our physical bodies (secondary food), as well as the “foods” that nourish our souls (primary food) – our relationships, our careers, our spirituality, our homes, our goals and dreams. And the foods that nourish our souls have to come first. Yes, that’s right. We need to prioritize those things that create deep and lasting joy, fulfillment and well-being. That’s exactly what I had to figure out after I was hospitalized for panic and stress (stay tuned for my next blog post on how I did that). Once we start doing that, once we start aligning our time and energy with those parts of our lives that are foundational, such as our relationships, jobs, home, and spirituality practices, it is so much easier to feed our bodies the food it needs to be physically healthy, to sleep better, to move better, and, ultimately, to feel better. Anyone ever lost sleep over a donut? No? Didn’t think so. Me neither. Anyone ever lost sleep over a job issue? Relationship? Challenges at home? I know…me too.
So, as we embark on 2020, I encourage you, as I am also doing, to really think about what your “first things” are. These may change and evolve with different life phases, the seasons, or the changing needs of you and your family. But the main idea is that these are the foundations upon which you build your best life – a life well-lived. Here are some of mine:
- Consistent and meaningful prayer time, journaling, and worship on a daily and weekly basis.
- Effective and organized rhythms and routines at home that prioritize family time, a clean space, and peace.
- Doing work that I love and that loves me back; work that nourishes and serves others well, and also nourishes and serves me and the needs of my family.
- Being present and attentive to those I love, especially my husband and daughter. My relationship with these two people shape my days and nurture every part of me.
- Eating well, sleeping well, and moving my body each day!
Are you starting to see a pattern here? The idea of primary foods is that we are nourishing the biggest parts of our lives well. The aspects of our lives that are foundations for everything else. Are you ready to align your primary and secondary foods this year with your highest priorities? Are you ready to put first things first in your life in 2020? Check out my signature coaching program to find out how I can guide you to living your healthiest year yet!